IEC/OC - Using Environmental Lawyers - Presentation By Mr. John Van Vlear

  • 23 May 2019
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • AECOM, 999 Town & Country Rd, Orange, CA 92868
  • 31


  • IEC/OC Members registering after May 17, 2019
  • IEC/OC Members registering by May 17, 2019.
  • Guests who are not IEC/OC members registering after May 17, 2019.
  • Guests who are not IEC/OC members registering by May 17. 2019.

Registration is closed



How to Use (and Abuse) Environmental Lawyers to get Projects Done
(and Make More Money Doing So)

John Van Vlear - Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP

Thursday, May 23, 2019  
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 


999 Town & Country Road, Orange CA 92868
Tel: 714.567.2400

AECOM is a white three-story building located directly next to a construction site on Town & Country Rd. 
AECOM is a bit set back and the construction blocks the 
999 building address. 

A hot buffet lunch will be served. 



Seasoned environmental counsel John Van Vlear of Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP, Newport Beach, will outline the role of environmental counsel for companies, deals, sites, and litigation and how enhanced knowledge of that function can help everyone involved get response actions done timelier and more cost-effectively. Van Vlear will use plentiful “war stories” to illustrate how environmental counsel quarterback the projects and serve as the primary company-consultant interface. Finally, the session will explore current trends in vapor intrusion, Proposition 65, etc., that are impacting businesses.  Come be educated (and entertained)!



John Van Vlear is a partner at N&D specializing in all aspects of “contaminated sites” environmental legal work. Applying technical acumen, he focuses on investigation, strategic analysis, and remediation, including for business operations, site acquisitions/sales, development, regulatory interface, and related litigation in federal and state courts.  Van Vlear represents clients before a wide range of environmental agencies. His portfolio of projects includes: commercial, industrial, raw land, and residential, as well as specialty facilities such as gas stations, oil fields, airports, and landfills. These matters have involved a complex array of soil, groundwater, and vapor contamination.  Van Vlear is a frequent speaker on environmental, real estate and contamination topics. He is a professional author and novelist, an expert witness, and arbitrator on environmental issues. He has been interviewed on TV twice professionally and has testified before the California Senate subcommittee on Environmental Quality.


Employees of Member Companies/Agencies: 

$45 if registered by 05/17/2019
or $50 after 04/17/2019 

Members bring a guest: Bring a non-member as a guest (@ the Member rate) and introduce them to IEC/OC!

$65 if registered by 04/17/2019 or
$70 after 04/17/2019.

Fine Print:
Cancelled Reservations must be received by 05/17/19. Late Cancellations cannot be refunded. Unpaid “No Shows” will be billed and must be paid.

A Special Offer To Become A Member Of IEC/OC.

If you register, attend the May  2019 IEC/OC Annual Air Quality Update and decide you want to BECOME A MEMBER of IEC/OC, IEC/OC will deduct the difference from the luncheon cost (between member and non-member) and apply to your membership dues.

Sponsorships Available!

Did you know that you can sponsor an IEC/OC luncheon in
one of two ways?

Be a Platinum (Lunch Meeting) Sponsor! 
$300 (Limit ONE), includes:

·         3-minute company profile at the beginning of the meeting

·         Acknowledgement of sponsorship at the meeting podium

·        Company name prominently displayed on emails sent to the IEC/OC database announcing the event and any info/marketing piece for the luncheon

·        Invitation to bring literature and business cards to place at each seat

·         2 free lunches for sponsor’s representatives. 

·         Provide electronic list of luncheon attendees to IEC/OC member company sponsor (if requested)

Be a Lunch Sponsor! 
$ 200 (Limit TWO), includes:

·        Acknowledgement of sponsorship at the meeting podium

·        Company name prominently displayed on emails sent to the IEC/OC database announcing the event and any info/marketing piece for the luncheon

·         Invitation to bring literature and business cards to place at each seat

·         1 free lunch for sponsor’s representative

·        Provide electronic list of luncheon attendees to IEC/OC member company sponsor (if requested) 

Please contact Vicki Boatman at if you would like to sponsor an upcoming IEC/OC luncheon/event.


Visit or email completed registration forms to: or mail to U.S. mailing address below. 

(Credit card payments can be made online, or bring cash/check for payment at the event)

Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ ___________




City/State/ZIP: ____________________________________

Phone: _________________________

 E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________

My Company/Agency/Institution is a member of the IEC/OC: (YES/NO)

We wish to join IEC/OC (YES/NO)

If you no longer wish to receive communications from IEC/OC, please send an email with the word “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.


By taking part in this event, you grant the event organizers (IEC/OC) full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming and any reproductions or adaptation of the images for fund raising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the group’s aim. This might include, (but not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.

If you do not wish to be photographed, please inform an event organizer at the time of check in/registration at the event or prior to the event via email at

Industrial Environmental Coalition/Orange County      
P.O. Box 61511Irvine, California 92602 
Tel: 657.210.2432         Email:          Website:

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