IEC/OC Regulatory Committee Meeting (Online)
Date: Thursday, October 7, 2021
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Online (Microsoft Teams) Meeting
RSVP: John Gleason, IEC/OC Regulatory Committee Chair;
Tel: +1 (949) 981-3867; Email:
Participation (IEC/OC Members Only):
You are invited to attend the IEC/OC Regulatory Committee Meeting, learn about the regulatory topics/issues this year, and participate in the discussions.
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting Agenda:
1. Welcome by John Gleason, IEC/OC Regulatory Committee Chairs:
Acknowledge and confirm present subcommittee chairs
a. Safety - Fred Just (BSI Group), Co-Chair Open
b. Storm Water/Water – Mehran Ebrahimi (GSI), Elizabeth Zernik (BSI Group), and Brenda Palermo (AECOM)
c. HazMat/Waste – Bob Rost (ClaVal/Griswold), Rachel Mireles (TRC)
d. Air – Paul Engel (BlueScape), and Kevin Cosgrove (NV5)
2. Discuss Regulatory Committee Issues:
Air Quality Subcommittee - Chair(s): Paul Engel/Kevin Cosgrove
* Hot topics - TBD
Storm Water/Water Subcommittee - Chair(s): Mehran Ebrahimi/Elizabeth Zernik/Brenda Palermo
* Readiness for Rainy Season
* TMDL Topics - Copper Newport Watershed and review of BMPs and effective dates
HazMat/Waste Subcommittee - Chairs: Bob Rost/Rachel Mireles
* EPA's Generator Improvements Rule (GIR)
*DTSC's e-manifest system
Safety Subcommittee - Chairs: Fred Just/Open Co-Chair
* Hot topics - TBD
3. Regulatory Training – November 18th, time TBD
4. REVIEW Action items and schedule next meeting - when?
Thank you for the support and see you at the meeting.
John Gleason, Chairman
IEC/OC Regulatory Committee