The IEC/OC Regulatory Committee
Invites you to review and provide comments to the
NEW! REVISED Proposed Statewide
Storm Water Industrial General Permit Amendment
Responses to IECOC comments are attached. See full response tocomments: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/docs/tmdl_igp/amend/amend_igp_rtc.pdf
IGP Amendment TMDL NALs and NELs Compared to Current NALs 9-27-2018.docx
Oct 2018 IECOC amend_igp_rtc.pdf
TMDL Changes for Orange County (ATTACHED VIA URLS ABOVE )
The TMDLs have minor numerical revisions. The TMDL NELs for chromium and mercury in the Rhine Channel were removed. The water bodies have been renamed somewhat. The major change is that the TNALs have been changed to NELs for several water bodies.
Other Significant Changes in Response to Public Comments
* Refined Responsible Discharger definition
* Added the definitions of new key terms used in the Amendment to the Order and Attachment C (Glossary)
* Clarified the watershed/water body scope of applicability each Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) addresses, including whether the discharge requirements are assigned:
- at the watershed scale,
- to direct discharges into a specific water body, or;
- to direct discharges into a specific water body and its tributaries
* Clarified the Total Maximum Daily Load Numeric Action Levels (TNALs) being defined as Best Management Practice -based Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations.
* Clarified the TNAL Exceedance Response Action (ERA) process
* Clarified TMDL translations to Numeric Effluent Limitations (NELs), TNALs, or comply with this General Permit.
- 7 TMDL translations changed from NEL compliance to comply with this General Permit
- 4 TMDL translations changed from TNAL to comply with this General Permit
- 7 TMDL translations changed from TNAL to NEL
* Clarified TMDL compliance deadlines
* Clarified Sufficiently Sensitive Test Method requirements
* Refined Attachment I (Compliance Options) requirements
For questions and comments, please contact John Gleason at John.Gleason@AECOM.com.