2017 Industrial General Permit Update - Level 2, TMDLs and BMPs

  • 20 Jul 2017
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Mesa Verde Country Club, 3000 Clubhouse Rd, Costa Mesa, CA


  • IEC/OC Invited Guest, no charge
    [obtain registration code from Vicki]
  • IEC/OC Members registering on or after July 17, 2017
    [Note, multiple guest registrations must be employees for same IEC/OC member company.]
  • Special pricing for IEC/OC Members registering on or before July 17, 2017.
  • Guests who are not IEC/OC members registering on or after July 17, 2017
  • Guests who are not IEC/OC members registering on or before July 17, 2017
  • Sponsorship is designated to Marketing IEC/OC events (ie Luncheon Sponsor)

Registration is closed



2017 Industrial General 

Permit Update 

Level 2, TMDLs and BMPs

Date:             July 20, 2017

Location:     Mesa Verde Country Club,

                       3000 Clubhouse Rd, Costa Mesa, 714-549-0377

Time:             Register - 11:35 a.m. / Lunch & Program:  12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.   



Join us for our annual review of the latest updates on the General NPDES Permit for Industrial Stormwater Discharges (IGP). The focus will be the Level 2 requirements and TMDLs in the Orange County area. The State Water Resources Control Board will be represented by Rebecca Greenwood. Portions of the presentation will be conducted by Trainers of Record for the IGP Elizabeth Zernik (BSI) and John Gleason (AECOM). Also, common BMPs will be presented as case studies.  There will be time for questions and answers for how the IGP may affect your facility now and in the near future. 

Industrial facilities that have not met numeric action levels for two years will become Level 2 for those parameters beginning July 1, 2017. The TMDLs to be incorporated into the IGP in the Orange County area will be discussed along with how an industrial facility may be affected by the changes.


Elizabeth Zernik, CPESC, QSD, QISP, TOR, BSI


Rebecca Greenwood, State Water Resources Control Board


Employees of Member Companies/Agencies: $35 if registered by  7/17/17 or $45 at the door w/o advance registration.

Members bring a guest: Bring a non-member as a guest (@ the Member rate) and introduce them to IEC/OC!

Guests: $55 if registered by 7/17/17 or $65 at the door without advance registration.

Fine Print:      

Cancelled Reservations must be received by Noon on 7/17/17.

Late Cancellations cannot be refunded.

Unpaid “No Shows” will be billed and must be paid.

Sponsor an Upcoming IEC/OC Luncheon

Did you know that you can sponsor an IEC/OC luncheon for $100 and receive the following benefits to your organization?

  • Your organization will be highlighted at the luncheon.
  • You may share your organization’s marketing materials at the luncheon.
  • You receive one free luncheon.
  • You are in the presence of industrial companies and agencies that need your services or can help to advance your cause.

Please contact Vicki Boatman at vicki.iecoc@gmail.com.

Sign-up to become a Member at our Luncheon Event!

If you register as a non-member, attend the JULY 2017 Lunch Program and decide to BECOME an IEC/OC MEMBER, the luncheon cost will be reduced to the member cost with the difference credited towards your membership dues.  



At www.iecoc.net or email completed registration forms to  vicki.iecoc@gmail.com.  (Credit card payments can be made online, or bring cash/check for payment at the event).



Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ ___________.

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PO BOX 2211,  Costa Mesa, CA   92628-2211
Phone: 657-210-2432    Email: info.iecoc@gmail.com     www.iecoc.net

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