TOPIC: As 2015 begins, we should all be planning and preparing for the regulatory challenges it brings. A new General Industrial Storm Water Permit becomes effective July 1st. New OSHA reporting rules began January 1st. CUPA inspectors will be visiting soon and the SCAQMD remains active in efforts to improve air quality. Come hear from the Agency representatives on what they will be looking for as they visit your facility or your clients’ facility.
Pearl Boelter, Program Manager, Hazardous Materials Surveillance Section, Orange County Health Care Agency (confirmed)
Lisa Haney, Sr. Environmental Specialist, OCSD Environmental Compliance Division (confirmed)
Herman Jett, Cal-OSHA Consultation, Area Office Manager (confirmed)
Dr. Philip Fine, SCAQMD, Asst. Deputy Executive Officer,Science & Technology Advancement (confirmed)
Kurt Berchtold, Santa Ana RWQCB (invited)
Meeting Admission:
Employees of Member Companies/Agencies: $35 if registered by 1/20/2015 (noon) or $40 at the door without advance payment
Guests: $55 if registered by 1/20/2015 (noon) or $60 at the Door Without advance payment.
Space is limited! We encourage advance registration and payment.
To purchase event ticket online, click the "Register"button to the left to purchase ticket(s). OR download, complete and email the meeting registration form, with payment to IECOC. (click: General Attendance Form)
Fine Print: Cancelled Reservations must be received by Noon on 1/20/2015. Late Cancellations cannot be refunded. Unpaid “No Shows” will be billed and must be paid.
Atrium Hotel (across from John Wayne Airport)
18700 McArthur Blvd., Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 833-2770
Registration: 11:45 a.m.
Lunch and Program: 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.